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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Adams Morgan--Ward One--Year In Review

 January 2010

Ayo Handy, Sister MaryAnn Lubie, Timothea Howard attend the first meeting of the SWOT -- Support Ward One Together organization.  SWOT was created to help Ward One profits weather the recession and find help from each other.    By the end of the year, Sister MaryAnn had passed.  Her work was with homeless people.  She will be missed by many.
February 2010

Casa Lebrato owner Sue  helps clean out after the blizzard.  Lebrato stayed open throughout both blizzards.

                                                                           March 2010
Chris Otten and Anne Hargrove at the demonstration for the Mt. Pleasant Library.  The struggle for the library and to get the administration of DCPL to change the plans to be more in accordance with the community's needs.

 April 2010
There was a very special  tree planting at the HD Cooke Elementary School in early April.    The Cherry Blossom Foundation donated   three cherry trees.  Left to right, Councilmember Jim Graham, Janet Arrevalo, Anna Ngyuen, Ms. McDaniel, Jeff Wilkes, Ms. Black (school principal), and representative of Cherry Blossom Foundation.  

                                                                                                                May 2010
The first of  many candidates debates took place at the Kalorama Citizen's Association in midMay.  Incumbent Jim Graham got a little hot under the collar at some of the accusations from his two opponents.
ANC Commissioner Bryan Weaver stood on the left side of the incumbent, at least ideologically.  His primo issue was accountability, which he hit home to the council member who introduced more emergency legislation than any other city council member.

 The second contender against the incumbent was Jeff Smith, former school board member who resigned before his term was finished because Cith Council voted to turn over control of the school system to the mayor.  Jeff started  an organization called DC Voice, to fight for DC Schools and their accountability.  

June 2010
The first HD Cooke Elementary School graduating class in the newly renovated school was Mr. Bacak's 5th grade class.  Two students, Destiny Jackson and Daniela Shia-Sevilla shared the principal's award and gave a speech.  Here Daniela gives hers.

July 2010

Advisory Neighborhood Commission candidate Raymond Moseley threw his hat into the ring in July and was the first to get his petitions in by early August.  He ran for the seat of ANC1c06, which was being vacated by Commissioner Nancy Shia.

September 2010
By early September it became clear who the star of the Adams Morgan Advisory Neighborhood Commission elections would be.  Olivier Kamanda's signs first appeared on the kiosk at 18th and Columbia.  By Adams Morgan Day, he had a booth and an army of friends who were out campaigning for him.  

October 2010
Steve Lanning, candidate for ANC1c06, spoke well at the forum for ANC candidates at the Kalorama Citizens Association.  

November 2010
Donnie at the Potters House, where Thanksgiving was held for everyone in the neighborhood who wanted to be there.
December 2010
Chief Ike's Mambo Room had the best bouncers in the neighborhood.  

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Town Crier a No-Show at the latest Festivus Reading

On the board where folks are writing  grievances, another one goes up Saturday night on the Festivus board, the Adams Morgan kiosk.  After the hilarious success of Tom Sherwood as the town crier last Saturday,   the scheduled crier for Saturday the 18th failed to appear to read the grievances.  That didn't stop people from putting them up.  

God bless the Adams Morgan Clean Team

For keeping our business district clean.  

Feted here by the Adams Morgan Business Improvement District at Perry's Restaurant on Columbia Road.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Town Crier Tom Sherwood Reads Festivus Grievances

Channel 4's Tom Sherwood read the grievances at the Festivus (the kiosk at 18th and Columbia) on Saturday 11 December at 1pm.

In addition to the grievance reading, unnatural feats of strength were featured.  Someone is holding up 2 fake 40lb weights with one bare hand.

This is the 3rd year  Festivus has been up in  Adams Morgan, started by the  Business Improvement District.   It is the first year people been trashing it.  The trashing started with posters for an event held at Chief Ikes.  Someone wheatpasted the Chief Ikes posters right over some Festivus' notes.  A sign was put up  clearly requesting folks to put their event notices on the one kiosk panel left for events.  After those signs went up, somebody took down ALL the grievances.  That happened a few days in a row.  The BID ambassador started saving the grievances to be put up on Saturday morning since the Town Crier was scheduled to read them Saturday afternoon.   After the Saturday reading with Tom Sherwood, someone scribbled illegible graffiti over the grievances left up.

Sometimes you can't fight antisocial behavior like this, but saving the Festivus for the rest of us is worth the fight.  This photographer then posted her photos of the grievances taken at the Sherwood airing.  

Monday, December 13, 2010

Columbia Heights LIghts a Holiday Tree

 People gather 'round to get hot chocolate while waiting for the tree to be lit.
 The tree sits waiting for its lights to turn on, scheduled time:  6:00 pm, Monday December 13, 2010.
 The temperatures were low, below freezing.  The hot chocolate was a big hit; it warmed up the crowd.
 People gathered in the circle at Park and 14th.    The mood was indeed festive.
 The choir from EL Haynes prepared to entertain the masses.
 So cute in their Santa hats.
 Lead by a music teacher pianist.

 While the crowd gathered round to listen,
 the countdown to turning the lights on 
was preceded by a few numbers from the EL Haynes choir.

 Then the lights were turned on.
 Everyone watched; some took pictures.
 Friends and neighbors came out to celebrate.
 Nice to see ANC Commissioner Jordan and his lovely wife.

 So that's how the tree got lit in the Columbia Heights Plaza.
Mark Anderson and his wife Tulin and young son Soren came dressed for the festivities.