When you've seen too much injustice and a leader of questionable character, you know it's time to run against the status quo.
As an ANC commissioner for four years, I have seen plenty of Councilmember Graham. For the first three and three-fifths years, I supported and got along with the councilmember. Even when we differed on policies, we remained cordial and friendly with each other.
When Jim Graham began to run his campaign in January, that's when things started to change. He called up ANC commissioners in Ward One and asked if he could list them in his group of supporters. When Jim called me, I told him I was DC Statehood Green Party, and it didn't make sense for him to list me. He assured me it was okay. When I hedged a couple more times, Jim assured me nothing bad would come of it. I reiterated that I was Green, and he said it did not matter. Eventually, I gave in and said okay, with reservations.
By the end of January , it started to become a problem that Jim Graham included my name on his list of supporters, and I emailed a request to him to take my name off his list. He emailed me back that he was forwarding my request to his campaign manager Chuck Thies to remove my name. Councilmember Graham's second email request for money came a few weeks later, and it still listed my name as a supporter. This time I emailed Mr. Thies directly to remove my name from the councilmember's list of supporters, and he said he would. The same thing happened in March and April. My name remained on the list of supporters until June.
Before dealing with Mr. Thies, I supported Councilmember Graham and appreciated his prompt responses when I had issues to bring him. However, Mr. Thies' manner towards me was no less than rude and shifty. I've never spoken to him directly, only through email communication. He tried to qualify my initial request to remove my name from Graham endorsers and rationalize why it took so long to remove it.
In early August, Councilmember Graham asked me if I'd go on a campaign walk with him in my single member district, and I told him I'd be happy to. When I met John DeTaeye of the Coucilman's staff on Friday morning August 6th outside McDonalds, he told me to stay there and he'd be right back. He did not come back. I crossed the street and found him with Pat Patrick, a neighborhood business-person/bully, who's been bullying me for over 25 years. It appeared that Pat Patrick was coming on this campaign walk with the councilman. Clarence Myers who is the Adams Morgan Business Improvement District (BID) neighborhood ambassador came along too.
The walk started when the Councilmember hopped out of his yellow VW convertible in front of the PNC bank. Clarence, John, Pat and I walked up the street to be with him. When I got there, I said, "Oh maybe this is a good time to talk about Unity Park". The park was right across the street from us. The councilman got visibly annoyed at me and said, "This is not a walk for your issues. This is MY walk, for my campaign." I responded, "Since we're right here in front of it --- " He cut me off, "This is not your walk. You have no power." That took me aback. I didn't think this was about power, so much as meeting the people and hearing their issues. Ay caramba, was I wrong!! It was a walk for the councilman to ask all the business owners to come to a fundraiser the councilman was having for the businesses. I wasn't invited to the fundraiser. I wasn't even told about it before I agreed to walk with the councilman.
The first business entered was Old City Jerusalem Cafe. The councilman marched right up to Walid, the owner, with Mr. Patrick no more than 6 inches away from his ear. First thing Councilmember Graham said to Walid was, "Why do you have my opponent's sign in your window? We'll have to do something about that." Walid was taken aback. I walked in closer and said, "Walid is a diplomat. That's why he has both yours and your opponent's." The councilmember then turned to me and said, "This isn't working out. This isn't working out. You'll have to leave." As I was leaving, the councilman was still urging Walid to remove Bryan Weaver's sign from his window. Later that day I walked by and indeed the Weaver sign was down. It was returned the next day.
To his credit, the councilman called me the same afternoon and apologized. He blamed it on something he said he heard me say to Pat Patrick that I never said. I haven't said anything directly to Mr. Patrick in years, since I know his volatile, unpredictable dishonest nature. Councilmember Graham explained that Pat is a big supporter of his. When I asked him how much Pat had given him, he did not respond. When I looked for Pat's name on Jim's campaign finance forms, it was there with a piddling amount (sorry, can't remember, I'll fill in later). John DeTaeye also called to apologize. Apologies accepted, but how can you forget something like this?
The Councilman exploded at the mention of the Unity Park issue because the loudest voice for ejecting the vendors was the closest to his ear. The next post will be on Unity Park, and how it grew to be such a big issue in the neighborhood. Look for the same neighborhood protagonist to bring on more drama.